How To Be A Fitness Role Model To Your Kids
As we all know, being a parent is the most important job in the world. Our children look up to us for guidance on everything in life, even if we don’t realize it. One way that you can be a positive role model to your kids is in the area of fitness. Staying fit is critical […]
Read MoreChildren, Caregivers, and Creating Safety through Love and Attachment
Several years ago, I had the immense pleasure of working as an infant teacher. One day I was sitting on the floor, back propped against the wall, when the door to the room opened. In walked the mother of one of “my” infants, carrying nine-months-old Cal in her arms. Cal scanned the room, landed on […]
Read MoreThe Fight for Our Families’ Health & Well-being Is Now
My wife Kyla and I understand what it feels like to have four kids while attempting to balance all areas of life. We know that it’s so easy to let our family get what’s left of us, instead of the best of us. As parents try to model good health, we are flooded with contradictory […]
Playing with your baby may not seem like much more than a fun fest, when, say, he coos at his rattle or tries his hand at stacking “donuts.” But make no mistake. What looks like downtime to us is work to little ones–and toys are the tools for getting the job done. In fact, when […]
Read MoreAmazing Things for You
You may be on the beginning of a new journey. You may have had a vision for this on some level your entire life. Your time has come. You are here for a reason. Allow your vision to align with Minnesota Family, and live your dream.
You are here for a reason.