5 Pillars of a Healthy Family Plan

When we listen, learn, and understand our loved ones and ourselves, we can be truly at ease along our path to a thriving family. My 5 Pillars to a Healthy Family Plan will help you pinpoint what is most meaningful to you and your family, moving each family member toward their heart’s desires. Grab a pen and a piece of paper, and let’s get to work on your personalized and strategic family health plan!

Heart’s Truth
Matters of the heart are matters of health. One of the secrets of health and personal mindset mastery is reclaiming your nervous system while learning to listen to and follow the vibration of your heart. When you are in control of your nervous system, you are literally in control of all your organs, cells and biochemical processes. Thankfully, nothing in your body happens by chance. Most disease comes from not feeling safe, connected or fulfilled in our environments.

Pro-Tip: Ask to share something vulnerable with someone close and tell them the emotion you feel, if you feel it in your body, and why you may be feeling this way. Before you share, ask them to hold space and assure them that you’re not looking for a response but rather to fully feel, release or acknowledge your present emotions. If you feel hurt, rage, or intensity, it doesn’t mean you have to respond with those emotions. If you’re feeling uncomfortable feelings in your body while sharing, send your heart’s vibration to that location. This could be about one of your dreams and goals or about a challenge you’re experiencing.

Energy Reserves
When it comes to having the strength to juggle all life’s responsibilities and not just survive but thrive, understanding how to manage your energy 

5 Pillars

is one of the most powerful pillars to be able to take care of yourself, family and network. If your body battery is dead, you won’t be able to jump-start another person who needs your energy. A plan that is personalized in a way that works for your budget, beliefs, time, and readiness is a crucial step. Energy is impacted by our thoughts, food choices, products and services we consume, the environment and the people with whom we surround ourselves, and anywhere you direct your thoughts and emotions. Making aligned choices can put you back in the driver’s seat to create the life you desire.

Pro Tip: When you are feeling any pain or disease in your body, journal what you have consumed, put on your body or who you’ve been around to begin the process of listening to your body. Only take arrows in a cause that matters to your family. I encourage you not to fight against what you cannot change. Rather, direct your energy toward a meaningful cause. Decide what matters and take action!

Movement is one of the greatest predictors of longevity. Moving in ways that align with your passions, goals and current body function is foundational work. Incorporating joyful movement, breathing and mediation practices are something that you can look forward to every day. They will bring a smile to your face, all while uniting you with both the present moment and your body.
Pro Tip: breathe in and out of your nose for 6 seconds, a few times each day, to bring coherence between your heart and breath. Breathe in by filling up your stomach all the way up to your throat and breathe all the way out. Feel free to breathe out longer that your inhale. In stressful or intense situations, you can always recalibrate with the breath.

Loving Awareness
When in doubt, love is always the answer. Your journey to your highest self begins with loving yourself enough to want to become the highest version of yourself. Collectively, we can create a loving world for ourselves and our children. Thankfully, there are infinite ways to express love.

Pro-Tip: Love yourself to life. The hardest, yet fastest is path is to be a mirror. If you want to be joyful, be joyful. If you want to have fun, be fun. Our world is composed of our imagination and projection. What we see is from our mind. So, if you see everything as wrong you will always see that.

Transformational Communities
Mentorship, Coaching & Community make up one of the most important aspects of health and longevity. A supportive community provides the context for ongoing healthy behaviors, and the key to reversing chronic illness and disease. Leaders and clinics facilitating community health groups to those who are passionate about health and family development can shift the collective focus to prevention and the root cause resolution to preventable disease and mental health challenges we face.

Pro Tip: Do what the pros do. They have coaches in each area of life in which they have set goals. They get there faster by working with someone who can teach them how to learn quickly and effectively. If budget is a challenge, be willing to listen, implement and be willing to exchange your time or value of another kind.

We are responsible for our own health and happiness. It’s been a process and evolution for my wife Kyla and me to create a family structure in which each of us thrives. The 5 Pillars have clarified our commitment to family health. We’re excited and honored to share our journey towards a connected, loving and impactful life.