Family Dinner is an Essential Family Meeting
As an instructor of business communication, I teach my students about business meetings. We discuss the important role meetings play in companies, from monitoring progress and projects, to sharing ideas, making plans and decisions and more. In class, we also talk about how to behave professionally in a meeting. Many...
Read MoreSet Your Child on the Path to Success by Reading Aloud
Parents are constantly on the lookout for ways to help their child thrive in school: volunteering in the classroom, providing enrichment classes, teaching study skills, or quizzing them on spelling words. There are countless ways to contribute to your child’s progress in school. But there is an even easier way...
Read MoreBe the Light Raising Positive and Encouraging Children
“Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already.” – Dave Willis When I think back on individuals who have had a profound impact on my life, I linger on those who provided encouragement when I was at my lowest points. Let’s stop and take a moment to think...
Read MoreSeven Steps to More Helpful Children
I watched out my friend’s window as her 12-year-old chopped wood in the backyard. I wasn’t sure which was more amazing, that he was helping without having been asked or that my friend was allowing her son to use an ax, seemingly with no undue anxiety on her part. He...
Read MoreParenting in a Material World
Anyone who has sent a child off to college knows the drill. Shower shoes…check. Twin extra-large sheets…check. Laundry detergent…check. Laptop…check. Refrigerator, big screen TV…wait, what?!? How did this begin? What happened to the toddler whose favorite toy was a cardboard box? How do they go from hand-me-downs to coordinated throw...
Read MoreThe Importance of Day Camp Seven Reasons to Send Your Child to Camp
Whoever coined the term, “the lazy days of summer” must not have had young children! Certainly it’s great not to have the pressures of the school year, but many working parents still need childcare when school is out. Summer day camps not only fill this gap, but can provide an...
Read MoreThe Fight for Our Families’ Health & Well-being Is Now
My wife Kyla and I understand what it feels like to have four kids while attempting to balance all areas of life. We know that it’s so easy to let our family get what’s left of us, instead of the best of us. As parents try to model good health,...
Read MoreHow Board Games Encourage Brain Development
In our overscheduled lives, taking time for a family game night may seem like a luxury. But while we take this bonding time to play with our children we are not only making warm memories with them. We’re also helping their brains develop in surprising ways. A 2008 study from...
Read MoreThe Benefits of Gardening with Kids
Wondering how to get your kids to eat more veggies? Grow them. Whether it’s a container on the patio or a raised bed, gardening is easier than most people think, even with limited space. Last year, our family dug up the front lawn and built raised bed garden boxes. We...
Read MoreStop Struggling with the Juggling
In an ideal world, you’ve got a satisfying career with plenty of time and energy to spend time with your family, attend classes and do your homework, get to the gym and catch up with friends. The reality? You’re exhausted from just trying to stay on top of it all...
Read MoreGetting Your First Job
The time will come, for every young person, to look for a first job.Whether your child wants a job to increase their independence or to make their own purchases, or you want your child to get a job, navigating the first job search process can be tricky. A child may...
Read More10 Simple Ways to Support Speech and Language Development in Your Child – Minnesota Style!
We all remember the moment when we first held our newborn in our arms and dreamed of all the wonderful adventures that lie ahead. We dreamed of their first smile, their first steps, and their first words. But what happens when those first words don’t come as early or as easily...
Read MoreTalking with children About Mental Health
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that one in six children ages two to eight in the United States has a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder. In the United Kingdom, we also know that 75% of mental illnesses start before the age of 18. It’s clear that –...
Read MoreTom and Vicky
Tell us about your family.Vicky: We live on a 5th generation dairy farm near St. Rosa MN. We in many ways are a normal typical family, but in other ways are atypical and much different. My husband Tom is the solid rock and foundation of our farm. Tom, providing solid leadership and...
Read MoreCommunication Game Plan
Game Plan implies intention. STOP. Reflection is one of the most underrated experiences in our society these days. Committing in advance to how I will be in situations, is a strategy to make things easier. For example, if you believe that only good is ahead in your life, then it...
Read MoreHelping Your Child Navigate the World of Work
As your children get older, they are likely to find part-time or summer employment to help pay for their needs and wants and, maybe, save for the future. Saving for a first car or college books is important for children to learn when they still have the safety of mom and...
Read MoreEarthing and Curvy Trees
I pass by a particular little group of trees often on my walks. I am always drawn to the tree in the group of straight trees that is curved. The one that doesn’t quite fit the mold of the rest of the group. It makes me think of people. Have...
Read MoreChildren, Caregivers, and Creating Safety through Love and Attachment
Several years ago, I had the immense pleasure of working as an infant teacher. One day I was sitting on the floor, back propped against the wall, when the door to the room opened. In walked the mother of one of “my” infants, carrying nine-months-old Cal in her arms. Cal...
Read MoreSpring 2024 Editorial Letter
“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” – James Cash Penney You’re reading an edition centered on growth mindsets and relationships. From cultivating a “power of yet” perspective (p. 34) to teaching self-compassion (p. 32) and preventing burnout in caregivers (p. 28), each...
Read More3,2,1, Launch
As we embark upon a new adventure in the life of our family this fall, it is with both excitement and trepidation that we send our firstborn off to college, five hours from home. Eeeek! Five hours. Certainly not the other side of the world, but far enough that we...
Read MoreParenting, Positive Body Image, and Healthy Eating
Broadly speaking, body image refers to your thoughts and feelings about your appearance and shape. Unfortunately, research suggests that children as young as four can start to develop negative feelings about themselves, and by age 18, 75-80% of girls and 65-70% of boys are dissatisfied with their bodies. These negative...
Read MoreThe Irelands
The Irelands live near Saint Cloud, Minnesota. Kaelin and Paul have been married for 17 years. They have nine children from 15 to 2 years old. They are regularly asked, “are they all yours?” They say “yes, we have nine biological children together”. The Irelands share that having a large...
Read MoreWhat Does Mom REALLY Want for Mother’s Day
While it’s nice not to have to cook for Mother’s Day, the restaurants are crowded and reservations can be hard to get. We wanted to know what moms really want for Mother’s Day. So we asked moms in all stages of parenting from toddler to young adult and they answered...
Read MoreYouth Participation in Sports
You may relate to scoring four touchdowns in a single high school game, which fictional character Al Bundy often stated was the highlight of his life as he had never been able to top the experience of this event. Or maybe you relate to knowing that if coach would have...
Read MoreMinnesota Troll Adventure
Experience the fairytale created by Thomas Dambo and team of 500 people from around the world. This story begins in Detroit Lakes. Dambo has created 130+ Trolls in 20 countries including 9 total exhibits in the area of Detroit Lakes, MN. Our fairytale in Minnesota includes encouragement to get...
Read MoreTeachable Talents
When my daughter was in the 4th grade, a proud tear sprang to my eye when her teacher,known to be a stern taskmaster, declared: “Rebecca has something that can’t be taught: Motivation.” Rebecca, my shy, eldest child, was a rule follower who always tried her best. Still, was she inherently...
Read MoreBalancing Commitments
If you are the parent of a middle or high schooler, you may feel the onslaught of the beginning of school, or the change in seasons and semesters. With each new school year or term, your child likely brings home, or you are inundated with, flyers from every school sport,...
Read MoreThe Benefits of Play Stations
Driving through the central Minnesota countryside, baseball fields, playgrounds, outdoor hockey rinks, skate parks and more dot the landscape. The only problem is, most of the time there is nary a soul utilizing what those “play stations” can offer. According to the National Recreation and Parks Association, children only spend...
Read MoreGrief & Loss
We may feel loss in any number of ways and all of these ways are valid. When we are in the midst of grief it often feels like we are “supposed” to be or feel or act a certain way. The reality is that grief is a deeply personal journey....
Read MoreRaising Happy Teens
There’s a lot parents can do to help their teen stay happy – at least most of the time! Here’s what the experts suggest: Involve Them In Extracurricular ActivitiesTeens spend their time and energy worrying about how they look to others, especially friends. But too much introspection doesn’t really make...
Read MoreSpring 2025 Editorial Letter
This timeless edition of Minnesota Family is dedicated to guiding families toward positivity and health. Our articles provide practical suggestions to help parents foster positive communication (p. 4), navigate childhood honesty (p. 16), develop healthy eating habits (p. 10) and guide positive body image (p. 34). Building on these themes, we...
Read MoreCreating a Stress-Free (Or At Least LESS Stressed) Household
According to the American Institute of Stress, 75-90% of all doctor visits in the United States are for stress related illnesses of some sort (Drah, 2021). Stress that is not well managed can cause headaches, digestive issues, sleep disturbances, etc. So, what can we do with this knowledge to create...
Read MoreThe Power of “Yet”: Cultivating a Growth Mindset in our Children
Nelson Mandela once said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” We all want our children to be resilient…to have the drive to get back up and tackle the problem a different way after being knocked down, right? Even if it seems “impossible”? Let’s talk about how we, as parents,...
Read MoreFall 2024 Editorial Letter
“If you love someone, the greatest gift you can give them is your presence,” Thich Nhat Hanh This timeless edition of Minnesota Family is dedicated to mindful and intentional parenting. Our articles provide practical suggestions to help parents identify stress (p. 10), manage the morning routine (p. 12) and develop...
Read MoreBelt Out a Budget-Friendly Adventure: Top 5 Reasons Families Should Rock Out at Free Local Concerts in Minnesota
Summer in Minnesota is all about soaking up the sunshine, spending time with loved ones, and making memories that last a lifetime. While there’s no shortage of amazing things to do, keeping the whole family entertained can sometimes strain the wallet. But fear not, budget-conscious adventurers! Here’s a hidden gem...
Read MoreSummer Fun in Minnesota
Summer moments are precious. There are activities that are only available to us in Minnesota in the Summer. Every season is filled with miracles and sacred life we are intended to live to the fullest. “We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting...
Read MorePreventing Burnout 5 Practical Tips for Caregivers
My day job is managing a shelter for domestic violence and sexual assault victims. I am also in the final leg of my journey to obtaining my marriage and family therapy license, hoping to one day bring my passions together and counsel families recovering from trauma. I am also a...
Playing with your baby may not seem like much more than a fun fest, when, say, he coos at his rattle or tries his hand at stacking “donuts.” But make no mistake. What looks like downtime to us is work to little ones–and toys are the tools for getting the...
Read MoreRaise a Can-Do Kid
When Allison Carter, an organization coach, got tired of doing the endless piles of laundry her family generated, she didn’t hire a housekeeper. Instead, she taught her 9 year old son and 12 year old daughter to wash their own clothes, fold and put them away. Not only has this...
Read MoreSelf-Compassion Befriending Ourselves
Recently, I was preparing a birthday dinner for a family member. I was feeling thankful my family was home. We would soon be sharing a relaxing, delicious meal together. Everything was humming along nicely, until it wasn’t. I realized I had misread the recipe, and my sauce was too thin....
Read MoreA “Boys to Men” Ceremony: A Rite of Passage into Manhood
Whose right is it to tell a boy what it means to be a man? I believe it is a father’s right and responsibility to teach a boy what it means to be a man. If a father is not intentional and vigilant in the formation of his son’s vision...
Read MoreUnderstanding Autism
It’s funny the memories that stick with as you go through life. Sometimes, if you are really paying attention, even the most mundane memories, such as driving by a billboard on the side of a country road can give you a glimpse into your future. I am a college professor,...
Read MoreSeven Ways to Connect with Grandparents Long Distance
As a child I was jealous of kids who could visit their grandparents after school. Having grandparents close by seemed like it would have been so much fun! Back then even making a long distance phone call to a grandparent was an expensive proposition. These days grandparents have many more...
Read More5 Pillars of a Healthy Family Plan
When we listen, learn, and understand our loved ones and ourselves, we can be truly at ease along our path to a thriving family. My 5 Pillars to a Healthy Family Plan will help you pinpoint what is most meaningful to you and your family, moving each family member toward...
Read MoreCreating a Gratitude Mindset
It’s incredible to think how something as simple as gratitude can bring new meaning to life. Not only does it allow us to appreciate the positive aspects in life instead of the negative, gratitude has also been proven to generate a positive impact on one’s psychological and physical well-being. Gratitude...
Read MoreRisk & Resiliency
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) include abuse, neglect, having someone in the household with substance abuse problems or mental health difficulties, and more. The more ACEs that children experience, the more likely they are to not only struggle with their own mental health, but also with their physical health as adults....
Read MoreFamily Business Communication
My boys grew up on a family farm, working alongside their dad and grandpa. Some of my most cherished memories are of the family part of the family business—son #2 waiting at the end of the driveway for Grandpa to pick him up to “help” or son #1, tool in...
Read MoreA Pizza Floatie, Yoga and Beach Boys
It’s a beautiful summer afternoon at the beach! It looks like Tinkerbell came floating by and sprinkled her glittery fairy dust all over the surface of the water. Like shiny little diamond specks everywhere! I am here with my son and his friend. There are a million things I could...
Read MoreHow To Be A Fitness Role Model To Your Kids
As we all know, being a parent is the most important job in the world. Our children look up to us for guidance on everything in life, even if we don’t realize it. One way that you can be a positive role model to your kids is in the area...
Read MoreSummer 2024 Editorial Letter
“Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr You’re reading an issue focused on connection—with nature, with each other, and with our communities. Therapeutic gardening (p. 18) and How to Prevent Your Kids from Becoming Stressed (p. 14) focus on...
Read MoreBig League Family
Anthony Bemboom’s story of becoming a big leaguer is one of resiliency, hard work, commitment, and a willingness to never give up. It’s also a story of sacrifice, and one of support. Greg and Deb Bemboom were both star high school athletes so it’s no surprise Anthony and their daughter...
Read MoreTalking About Our Feelings 5 Conversation Starters for Kids
Talking about your feelings sounds simple, but it is actually a skill that must be developed. Many of us are conditioned to protect ourselves by not revealing vulnerability. For example, previous generations are known for being “tough,” and talking about emotions was not as common. Mantras like “be a man”...
Read MoreTeach Kids to Become Money Masters
When Sunny Lee’s identical twin boys, Jason and Matthew, were 2 years old, she began teaching them about money by working up to the concept. “If I was folding laundry or sweeping the floor, I would say, ‘Mommy needs your help,’” says Lee, author of Is Your Child a Money...
Read MoreFamily Values Over Rules
I have never been a fan of rules that don’t make sense to me, and I don’t enjoy being told what to do. As a teenager, I pushed back on unnecessary rules and adults that made rules, yet failed to embody the rules they were preaching. I considered many rules...
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