Be the Light Raising Positive and Encouraging Children

“Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already.” – Dave Willis

When I think back on individuals who have had a profound impact on my life, I linger on those who provided encouragement when I was at my lowest points. Let’s stop and take a moment to think about how we can practically instill a spirit of kindness and encouragement in our children.

Raising Positive & Encouraging Children: 4 Practical Tips

1) Lead by example.
Children learn what is modeled for them. Period. If a child lives with constant criticism and belittling, he or she will learn to respond to others in that manner. If a child lives in a home where efforts and intentions are celebrated, he or she learns to lift others up in that manner.

2) On that note, teach your children that it’s okay to make mistakes.
Mistakes are an integral part of learning, and our children need to know that it is okay to make a mistake…the world won’t end. They will learn and move on. Then, they can pass that same philosophy on in their interactions with others.

3) Point out when you see your child encouraging others.
If your son says, “Great try, —” out on the soccer field, point that out. Everyone wants to be around an encourager, and as a parent, you should celebrate each time you hear words of encouragement from your child.

4) Focus on the positive.
In the same vein as leading by example, it is important to note that you get more of what you notice. If you focus on the negative actions of your child, you will, even if unintentional, continue to see more of that. Choosing to emphasize the positive that you see will help your child learn to do that with others.