Earthing and Curvy Trees

I pass by a particular little group of trees often on my walks. I am always drawn to the tree in the group of straight trees that is curved. The one that doesn’t quite fit the mold of the rest of the group. It makes me think of people. Have you ever felt like the one in the group that doesn’t quite fit the mold of the “rest”? The one that doesn’t follow the “norm”? At times, it feels like it would be easier to follow the group or stay inside of the lines that are set. I am here to tell you…keep your curve! Stay true to who you are and trust your gut. That nudge inside of you that is telling you to go a different way or do things differently, that’s your truth. It may be uncomfortable, but in the end it’s right. You may notice that the sun is shining more brightly on the one that stands out.
A simple way to stay grounded in who you are and support your health is the practice of Earthing or Grounding.

Minnesota is known for it’s unpredictable weather. We are definitely hardy here in this beautiful state! The only for sure part is that it keeps us on our toes.
Speaking of toes…
Getting your bare feet into the earth has amazing health benefits! “Earthing” or “grounding” are words to describe the practice of allowing your naked feet to be in the ground…dirt, grass, sand, even concrete if it sits on a concrete slab…to soak up all the awesomeness the Earth provides! Gardening is also a form of grounding, as well as other activities where your bare skin has contact with the elements such as playing in the sand.

“Earthing: The most important health discovery ever!” written by Clint Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. and Martin Zucker is a fabulous resource that speaks on the benefits of this simple practice and success stories of healing through “Earthing”. Benefits include and are not limited to helping with depression and anxiety, reducing inflammation, preventing and treating auto-immune conditions, improving sleep, pain and so much more!

Earthing is available throughout all seasons here in Minnesota, we simply have to get creative. For instance, bring natural elements into the home. Plants and rocks that you can connect with are a good place to start. Other ideas for earthing include hugging trees and wearing shoes made from natural elements like leather.
If the practice of earthing or grounding intrigues you, I encourage you to research ideas and create practices that fit into your days. Connecting with our precious Earth provides natural healing in so many ways!