Jason Roering

Jason Roering


Jason is the founder of Minnesota Family. Jason graduated from Sauk Centre High School, earned an Associate Degree from Ridgewater College, a Bachelor Degree and a Professional Communication Certificate from St. Cloud State University, and is a Qualified Neutral after completing a course certified by the Minnesota Supreme Court. 

Jacob Everear

Minnesota Troll Adventure

Experience the fairytale created by Thomas Dambo and team of 500 people from around the world.  This story begins in Detroit Lakes. Dambo has created 130+ Trolls in 20 countries including 9 total exhibits in the area of Detroit Lakes, MN.    Our fairytale in Minnesota includes encouragement to get into nature, a message that...

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Youth Participation in Sports

Youth Participation in Sports

You may relate to scoring four touchdowns in a single high school game, which fictional character Al Bundy often stated was the highlight of his life as he had never been able to top the experience of this event. Or maybe you relate to knowing that if coach would have put you in during the...

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Communication Game Plan

Game Plan implies intention. STOP. Reflection is one of the most underrated experiences in our society these days. Committing in advance to how I will be in situations, is a strategy to make things easier. For example, if you believe that only good is ahead in your life, then it doesn’t matter exactly what happens...

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Summer Family Fun

Summer Fun in Minnesota

Summer moments are precious. There are activities that are only available to us in Minnesota in the Summer. Every season is filled with miracles and sacred life we are intended to live to the fullest.    “We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake…” ― Sir...

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Optimism, quality of life, loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, personal courage, and commitment