Winter 2023 Edition

Balancing Commitments

If you are the parent of a middle or high schooler, you may feel the onslaught of the beginning of school, or the change in seasons and semesters. With each new school year or term, your child likely brings home, or you are inundated with, flyers from every school sport,...

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It’s incredible to think how something as simple as gratitude can bring new meaning to life. Not only does it allow us to appreciate the positive aspects in life instead of the negative, gratitude has also been proven to generate a positive impact on one’s psychological and physical well-being. Gratitude is often thought of as being the equivalent to saying “thank you.” For example, we are taught that it is polite to say “thank you” when someone opens the door for us or gives us a compliment. However, an attitude of gratitude is more than just words. It is a way of being. That is to say, we don’t wait for someone to do something nice to trigger the words “thank you”; an attitude of gratitude is being inherently grateful even if our external circumstances are chaotic. When your mind focuses on all you are thankful for, you’re more likely to feel joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Being thankful can remove the preoccupation of our immediate situation or what we are lacking and shift the focus on the bigger picture, which can create a more positive frame of mind going forward. It is important to point out that having an attitude of gratitude is not about living in denial about negative events, but rather how it is beneficial to expanding the consciousness to improve one’s outlook on the present and future. Gratitude is not only helpful in creating an optimistic perspective, but other personality enhancements include: having a higher self-esteem, being more forgiving, patient and empathetic, being more resilient, and having a higher sense of motivation. It also has benefits for your physical health, such as increasing the likelihood of sleeping better, eating healthier, exercising more, experiencing fewer aches and pains, and reducing stress. This could be due to you being thankful for your body and all it helps you accomplish, leading you to want to take care of the gift that is your body. So how can you create for yourself an attitude of gratitude? There are a number of ways you can incorporate this into your daily life to make it habitual, and it does not have to be grandiose in scale to take effect. Even simple actions can alter your mindset. What is important is the frequency—the more you practice gratitude the more it becomes ingrained into your way of life. Below are some ideas to help you get started. 1. Gratitude Journal: Find a journal or notebook you like and write down ten things you are thankful for every day. 2. Gratitude Collage: If you have a more artistic inclination, put together a collage of pictures of all that you are grateful for and place it somewhere you will see it often. 3. Gratitude Rock: Pick out a rock that appeals to you and carry it around in your pocket. Every time you see or touch the rock, think of something that you are thankful for. And at the end of the day when you empty your pocket, focus on how grateful you are for something that happened that day. 4. Reciting Gratitude: When you wake up in the morning or before you go to bed (or both!), say out loud what you are thankful for. 5. Did you know the workplace is one of the least likely places people express gratitude? Yikes! Each day send an email, a notecard, or tell a co-worker how much you appreciate them. 6. Post quotes of positivity and gratitude where you will see them regularly. 7. While it is common for families to say a thanksgiving prayer before meals, you can also go around the table and have everyone say what they are thankful for. 8. If you like games, try the Alphabet Gratitude Game! Go through each letter of the alphabet and say something you are thankful for that starts with that letter. 9. Who doesn’t like spreading Random Acts of Kindness? Surprising people with extra kindness will not only help others feel joy, but also ignite joy within yourself. Acts of kindness don’t necessarily have to cost anything; it can be a kind word or a hug. This heightened sense of joy in being helpful to others will help you become more aware of all that you have to be grateful for. 10. Reduce the amount of time you spend online, watching tv, and scrolling through social media. This limits the amount of negative messaging you are fed and gives you the opportunity to contemplate in quiet. Use this time instead to go for a walk to appreciate nature or find a place where you won’t be disturbed and meditate on what you are grateful for. The possibilities are endless when it comes to practicing gratitude. Find gratitude activities you like and practice them daily for a month. Reflect upon what changes you notice within yourself. For me, a gratitude mindset was life-changing, and I hope it can be for you as well.

Grief & Loss

We may feel loss in any number of ways and all of these ways are valid. When we are in the midst of grief it often feels like we are “supposed” to be or feel or act a certain way. The reality is that grief is a deeply personal journey....

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Creating a Gratitude Mindset

Creating a Gratitude Mindset

It’s incredible to think how something as simple as gratitude can bring new meaning to life. Not only does it allow us to appreciate the positive aspects in life instead of the negative, gratitude has also been proven to generate a positive impact on one’s psychological and physical well-being. Gratitude...

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Parenting in a Material World

Parenting in a Material World

Anyone who has sent a child off to college knows the drill. Shower shoes…check. Twin extra-large sheets…check. Laundry detergent…check. Laptop…check. Refrigerator, big screen TV…wait, what?!? How did this begin? What happened to the toddler whose favorite toy was a cardboard box? How do they go from hand-me-downs to coordinated throw...

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Family Business Communication

Family Business Communication

My boys grew up on a family farm, working alongside their dad and grandpa. Some of my most cherished memories are of the family part of the family business—son #2 waiting at the end of the driveway for Grandpa to pick him up to “help” or son #1, tool in...

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Parenting, Positive Body Image, and Healthy Eating

Broadly speaking, body image refers to your thoughts and feelings about your appearance and shape. Unfortunately, research suggests that children as young as four can start to develop negative feelings about themselves, and by age 18, 75-80% of girls and 65-70% of boys are dissatisfied with their bodies. These negative...

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3,2,1, Launch

As we embark upon a new adventure in the life of our family this fall, it is with both excitement and trepidation that we send our firstborn off to college, five hours from home. Eeeek! Five hours. Certainly not the other side of the world, but far enough that we...

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Risk & Resiliency

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) include abuse, neglect, having someone in the household with substance abuse problems or mental health difficulties, and more. The more ACEs that children experience, the more likely they are to not only struggle with their own mental health, but also with their physical health as adults....

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