Youth Participation in Sports

Youth Participation in Sports

You may relate to scoring four touchdowns in a single high school game, which fictional character Al Bundy often stated was the highlight of his life as he had never been able to top the experience of this event. Or maybe you relate to knowing that if coach would have put you in during the fourth quarter you would have been state champs with no doubt in your mind, like Uncle Rico. Seems to me there are many benefits to youth participation in sports, here are some from my perspective.
1) Learning how to improve, to be coached, and to take direction.
2) Working as a team. Learning how to communicate and collaborate toward a common goal.
3) Physical activity and caring for your body and mind. Training yourself mentally and physically.
4) Recreational therapy. You are improving and focused on a healthy interest, vs. idle hands.
5) Positive surroundings. A fun environment. Focused on playing a game.
6) Growth mindset. Developing skills.
7) Making friends with common interests.
Learning to learn. Learning to listen. These are skills that are easily transferable. It’s no wonder why employers may look with favor on candidates with successful history in athletics and athletic coaching. To get to the next level, it takes work ethic and dedication. 
Mastery of skills comes from hours of practicing and developing the skills. Thousands and thousands of hours. Your youth sports team will not be the last time you will be in a situation with a group of people working toward a common goal. Your experience on the field communicating with teammates will develop your communication and collaboration skills. Time and practice are irreplaceable.
The best is when you find things you love, and it happens to get you moving your body in an active and joyful way. Do you love shooting hoops, or skating? What about jumping on trampolines? Jumping on and playing on trampolines is fun, and the result is amazing health benefits. When you figure out you want to improve your performance, you have a tangible reason to eat nutrient dense foods and avoid junk. But even if you are disciplined to one sport, mixing in a healthy active lifestyle is important. Find things you love to do that you need your body for. Use it or lose it they say.
Finding what you love may take effort. Explore many different activities and find many you enjoy. If there is any interest, give yourself a chance to orientate to it before letting it go. There are many ways to explore interests, and share interests with friends. Go out there and have fun!
Participating in sports is fun. It is a great place to concentrate your focus, and not have to think about the tasks of your life. It can release stress, and give your mind a break from other areas. As you make progress and develop your skills, you will gain confidence all while having a great time.
When you take control of what you are focusing on, you are strengthening that ability. When you intentionally work toward improvement, that becomes a skill. You realize you can improve, that you have all this control over your situation. Game time also helps you understand that you can only control your preparation and effort, not the exact outcomes. What matters is your development, with your abilities, and personally. 
You may not realize it’s happening, but when you are putting in those thousands of hours of developing your skills into abilities, the people next to you are becoming lifelong friends. Even as years pass, there is an unbreakable bond with teammates. I’m thankful for my experiences participating in sports, and the friends I’ve made. It has given me an incredible foundation for my life.